We have received this message recently:
I was once fascinated with MDM's alleged messages. I kept reading new updates and messages on her website, and I even became a member of their internet prayer group, downloaded the prayer crusades and contacted some of the members, but even then I was hesitant to be completely devoted to the group.
I emailed them asking them to stop promoting MDM and told them that if they are true Catholic they should not oppose Pope Francis and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, but until now I haven't received any word from them and they keep defending MDM.
I just I need more help to convince them to stop spreading word about MDM because the people who do not know the true agenda of MDM accept what Totus Maria is posting on their page.
Thanks and more power!
Name withheld at request, the Philippines
This is the description of Totus Tuus, Maria Facebook page:
Totus Tuus, Maria is a community of Catholics who live by the motto of the late Pope John Paul II: Totus Tuus, Maria, or "Totally Yours, Mary.
But that is not what this page is really about.
The page heavily promotes Maria Divine Mercy's Crusade prayers. Among beautiful Christian pictures and quotes from the Saints, most of the posts consist of Crusade Prayers with the shortened url to 'WarningSecondComing' organisation.
The Facebook page is linked to a website, which appears in Google search as a paid advertisement and which gives a 'critical' review of 'The Book of Truth' (we see nothing critical about it), with the link where you can buy it. It also asks for donations.
Looks like poison in a cup of pleasant brewed coffee to us.
Catholics, beware!
2 Thessalonians 2:3-10, describes the coming ( rebellion ) "Great Revolt" that will precede the Second Coming of JESUS CHRIST.
ReplyDeleteWe refer and read this verse , this is what I believe.
Yes, Elsa, there will be a great rebellion or apostasy but what makes you think that Pope Francis is the right-hand man of the Antichrist? Your understanding of this epistle from St. Paul is out of context. In point of fact, it warns against self-promoting seers who claim to be led by "spirits" who alarm people with messages "to the effect that the day of the Lord is at hand."
Delete"We ask you, brothers, with regard to the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ and our assembling with him, not to be shaken out of your minds suddenly, or to be alarmed either by a "spirit," or by an oral statement, or by a letter allegedly from us to the effect that the day of the Lord is at hand." 2 Thes. 2:1-2
"For unless the apostasy comes first and the lawless one is revealed, the one doomed to perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god and object of worship, so as to seat himself in the temple of God, claiming to be a god..." 2 The.2:3-4
One has to be 'shaken out of their mind' to think that Pope Francis has exalted himself above God. It is hateful to even think such a thing, with no evidence whatsoever, just the word of some Internet marketing guru selling hatred. To spread these messages is to directly cooperate in a work of evil.
No man, even priest or bishop, has the right to declare alleged Divine Messages as true or false. Human logic is not adequate to confirm the authenticity or falsity of alleged Divine Messages. What man can do regarding alleged Divine Messages is simply to pray to the Holy Spirit for discernment.
ReplyDeleteHowever, man must first make himself worthy of the Holy Spirit in order to receive the Gift of Discernment.
That's not correct, Pastors have the right and duty to declare any alleged messages whether they are trustworthy or not. In this case, I think it's pretty much over now that it's been revealed that MDM started getting messages after hanging around Joe Coleman, a man who openly declared himself to be a Medium before he was warned that this is not accepted in Christianity, and from that time he claimed to be a visionary. http://ronconte.wordpress.com/2013/11/01/the-identity-of-maria-divine-mercy/
DeleteEver since Conte revealed her identity publically, we have been contacted by a number of people who confirmed that all that all the information on this blog post is indeed correct.
If this source of negativity came from Ronald Conte, pls. try to check his website and see if his assessment on things are accurate:
Who changes the prayer given by Jesus:
Who condemns visionary Stanley Villavicencio approved by our Local Bishop (Is he better than our Bishop to assess the authenticity of a visionary?)
DeleteHe has a long lists of visionaries, some approved by the church which he evaluates to be false...
pls check his website for those lists and you'll be amazed to see the names of those you are familiar with...
Now, as fellow catholics... let us not condemn people but pray for them... before you put your faith on anyone, like Mr. Conte, check his beliefs first.... and see if you approved of his assessment to be able to guide your faith...
At this time, the apostasy has begun... Pls. let us all pray and allow the Lord to guide us... to open our hearts to His truth... allow us to see through any deceits...
God bless us all!