I was a follower of Maria Divine Mercy messages for a month, almost up till Easter 2013.
The Holy Spirit showed me the truth on 3rd March 2013. It is the blackest period in my life and I'm not proud of it! But luckily the Lord has made me into a very strong soldier. There are attacks on me because I know about them a lot, about their feelings, thoughts, emotions.
How did I start reading MDM messages? At first I saw them on friend's Facebook page and started to read them. I was a believer so I started to read them at first only just because I was curious. I wasn't sure if they were true, so I read them cautiously.
I showed those messages to my prayer group leaders and asked them to listen Jesus' words - in our village we have a fellowship, a prayer group where we read from the Bible and sing worship songs, listen to the Word of God and pray. They are my friends, and they prayed so that I would stop following those messages.
My husband also prayed for me - he didn't know what to think about MDM, he listened to my opinion, and it made sense to him. However, he preferred to read the Bible while I was reading MDM messages and praying those "Crusade prayers". I was so upset that they didn't believe "Jesus" - I would almost scream, 'Hey, listen everybody, Jesus is here, he wants to talk to us, and we should listen to Him!' but I was the only one who believed those messages.
We all knew the Holy Spirit, we knew how is it when the Holy Spirit is talking to you, and I knew it as well. And I don't know why I didn't realize that it was not Him. It was enough for me to read some of the messages and Satan started to work on me, I believed those messages though they didn't sound like Jesus.

But usually during everyday activities I kept thinking about our future, the future of my children. For example, I always sing under the shower - I sing Gospel songs but those days I wasn't singing... I was only thinking, 'how will it be?!' I lost my joy.
My friends realised that as well, but they also saw that I was afraid, they could see fear in me, and fear is not from Jesus. I was upset with them and insisted that it was not fear that I felt. I insisted it was absolutely normal to 'wait' for the 'Second Coming'. They tried to convince me that those messages are not from God, but I felt that they wanted to hurt me and they are silly! But one sentence from the Bible that they gave me really spoke to my heart:
"For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many" (Mt 24: 5).
It was that one week when the Holy Spirit started working in me - though I didn't stop reading those messages right away: I was only upset with others that they do not believe in Jesus. Still I was only thinking about that sentence from the Bible. During that week my friend, who also followed MDM messages, was very scared and couldn't sleep. Her little child always also kept having nightmares and she couldn't sleep either because of those messages and nightmares - so I sent her a very good prayer against Satan. My family was also affected, we all kept getting a cold, and my little baby (only 5- months-old) couldn't sleep and was very sick as well. So I started to pray that prayer against Satan too. After saying that prayer the baby could sleep a bit better and I wanted to sleep as well, but I couldn't because I was a bit upset by the messages. As I was looking for my prayer book in my drawer I found another book that I had got from my friend, and I felt sorry that I had kept it for a year in my drawer without having read it... so I started to read it!
That book (written by a Hungarian priest) spoke about Satan as well! It was about spiritual warfare and it teaches about Satan - how to see demonic influences, and how to pray against Satan. As I read it, it felt as if Jesus was talking to me with those words. It was really an incredible, fantastic book! It also warned against false prophets (not about MDM specifically) and as I read about false prophets, I felt Jesus was next to me and telling me that MDM was false as well!
But I still was not ready to believe it. I kept thinking about that sentence from the Bible, I was curious what is in Matthew chapter 24.
So in the evening the next day, when I used to read MDM messages and prayers, that day I started with reading the Bible - Matthew 24. And it was amazing! I felt the Holy Spirit, it was fantastic! Though at the same time I felt myself so dirty...
I was also very embarrassed. I didn't know how I would act, because I was very aggressive against everybody in my prayer group who didn't believe in MDM messages.
After this, everything got much nicer! Even the way the sun was shining, or how the trees were waving, ; the sky was bluer - and I felt a great relief! I told my husband that I was wrong - that MDM is not a true prophet, and I told my friends the same. I don't understand how this could happen to me, my faith was so strong, even my heart was healed by Jesus a year before, so I don't know why I fell for those messages!
But Jesus healed my soul again,
Jesus had pity on me and he bent down to me
and rose me from the dirt...
I am so thankful to HIM!
(Éva, Hungary)
I wonderful testimony...Thank you Eva.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your testimony. May you continue to grow in God's grace. I'd love to know what that book was, and if there is an English translation.
ReplyDeleteHI! thank you so much, God bless all of You as well :) That book was written by an old hungarian priest: Katona István,its title is: Üzd el a farkasokat,Pásztor! the title should be in english language: Cast out the wolves,Pastor! a book of salvation.... its a special book about the satan,how it works, how to know it,how to recognize the evils work of the gods work... there are special deliverer prayers in it but unfortunatelly it has no english version.the whole book is on the internet, its free, U can free read and translate it.Maybe someone could make its english verison... http://www.karizmatikus.hu/images/stories/docs/uzd%20el%20a%20farkasokat.pdf
Deletethank you, and God bless all of You as well :) the book is: Katona István : Üzd el a farkasokat,Pásztor! its english title should sound: Cast out the wolves,Pastor! a book of salvation.... It was written by an old hungarian priest. a very very special book about the satan.... how it works, how to know it,how to recognize the evils work of the gods work... there are special deliverer prayers in it but it has no english version but maybe someone could do it: it is on the internet, its free, U can free translate it or maybe someone.... but it was written by a hungarian priest: Katna István--- a very very special book about the satan.... how it works, how to know it,how to recognize the evils work of the gods work... there are special deliverer prayers in it but it has no english version but maybe someone could do it: it is on the internet, its free, U can free translate it or maybe someone...http://www.karizmatikus.hu/images/stories/docs/uzd%20el%20a%20farkasokat.pdf
DeleteThank you Eva! My Grandmother was Hungarian, God rest her soul. Maybe someone could translate it for me, in my family. God bless you, and praise Him that you are set free!
DeleteFelt the same way. Imagine waking up every 3am, afraid and sometimes having nightmares. Are we supposed to feel peace when we encounter God. Not to mention the tedious recitation of the 100+ crusade of prayers? I never felt welcomed in the jtm fb page. I felt hostility. Why is my Prayer to St Michael deleted? I became suspicious when they started maligning the Pope. Then I came across Maria Divine Mercy True or False. My suspicions that mdm is false and only for profit is confirmed. I feel free finally. How could I believe a mere website? How could I exchange my beliefs to an unknown seer? I only hope and pray that my friends would come to the same realization. The only way I can make restitution is to share blogs and links such as maria divine mercy true or false. We are targets bec we serve God. Thank you admin and mire power!
ReplyDeleteI used to be a follower of mdm but not anymore. Imagine waking up 3am in the morning afraid. Are we supposed to be peaceful after reading the msgs. Not to mention the tedious 100+ crusade of prayers. I grew suspicious when they maligned the Pope declaring him anti christ. My suspicion that mdm is a fraud was finally confirmed when I came across maria divine mercy true or false. Thanks to the admin now I am free of course the rosary and chaplet of divine mercy helped a lot and the daily mass. My regret, how could I exchange my beliefs to a mere website. It almost got me. Some friends bought lots to hide when persecution comes. The God I serve is stonger. We are targets bec we serve the church. I only hope and pray that my friends would come to their senses. The only way I can rectify my mistakes is to share blogs such as these. Thank you admin and more power! To God be the Glory!
ReplyDeletemore power sorry
ReplyDeleteThank you for your testimony my mother is involved with them and we are trying to stop her from making a big mistake. God Bless ☺
ReplyDeleteThe mission is the salvation of SOULS...remember what Jesus said...if they are for us they are not against us...
DeleteExactly, you can't be for Jesus and a false prophet Maria Divine Mercy - you have to choose
DeleteTo bad you don't realize that satan always attacks the TRUTH...