I challenge us today, to study the Sacred Scripture, to read the Documents of the Church, the Catholic simple Catechism, the encyclical letters, the episcopal letters of Bishops to the government of their various regions etc. In these and many more instances Holy Mother Church speaks insistently and cries out aloud with pains and tears calling on all to return to God with a changed attitude. These documents are not far-fetched and like I said in my post a few days ago, 'there are two things that will save the present world problem: humble prayers to God and the right action'
By Father Martin Cross
No private revelation, no matter how widely acclaimed is binding on Catholic believers and even if all the people of the world says it is true and the Church says it is not, we must follow the Church. The Church alone has the authority and divine mandate into what is true in relation to our faith and morals, and she alone leads the way, and by the virtue of our baptismal vows we are morally and religiously bound and obligated to follow wherever she leads, because she is true to her commitment to her Lord and Divine Spouse and has the clearest map of the way leading to her Head.
No private revelation, no matter how widely acclaimed is binding on Catholic believers and even if all the people of the world says it is true and the Church says it is not, we must follow the Church. The Church alone has the authority and divine mandate into what is true in relation to our faith and morals, and she alone leads the way, and by the virtue of our baptismal vows we are morally and religiously bound and obligated to follow wherever she leads, because she is true to her commitment to her Lord and Divine Spouse and has the clearest map of the way leading to her Head.
When Holy Mother Church does approve a private revelation per excellence, she does not inhibit on the freedom of her children by compelling them to believe. What the Church does by approving private revelation is telling her children, that, yes this is true apparitions here, it is not the work of the evil one, and anyone who chooses to accept it and respond to it religiously as such, is not in error or in danger of faith.
Nonetheless, it is very surprising indeed how people respond to visions and private revelations more aptly and are ready to give it all, in the here and now, rather than the content of the deposit of faith in the Scripture and the Church's Magisterium. There are a lot of warnings in the Scripture, a lot of warnings for people to prepare for the last day.
I think the devil and the hosts of the fallen angels are playing on the hunger of so many people of our age for extra-ordinary or extra-sensible events. There can be no miracle more miraculous than the Incarnation. What is more wonderful than the Crucifixion? What is more glorious than the Resurrection? What is more terrifying and urgent than the Word of God in the Scripture?
Can somebody tell us why we have become lukewarm to the mysteries of our faith and the word of God and the Magisterium, and now hunger for other voices and massages and extra-ordinary events and signs from heaven? O insatiable man!
Can somebody show us any content in any private revelation that is not an element of the deposit of faith in the Scripture and the Magisterium? Our Blessed Mother says to us, "Do whatever he tells you" (Jn 2:5) in all the apparitions, that is what we hear, but some go beyond that to insulting and ridiculing the Church, calling the Pontiffs (even before Pope Francis) names!
Nonetheless, it is very surprising indeed how people respond to visions and private revelations more aptly and are ready to give it all, in the here and now, rather than the content of the deposit of faith in the Scripture and the Church's Magisterium. There are a lot of warnings in the Scripture, a lot of warnings for people to prepare for the last day.
I think the devil and the hosts of the fallen angels are playing on the hunger of so many people of our age for extra-ordinary or extra-sensible events. There can be no miracle more miraculous than the Incarnation. What is more wonderful than the Crucifixion? What is more glorious than the Resurrection? What is more terrifying and urgent than the Word of God in the Scripture?
Can somebody tell us why we have become lukewarm to the mysteries of our faith and the word of God and the Magisterium, and now hunger for other voices and massages and extra-ordinary events and signs from heaven? O insatiable man!
Can somebody show us any content in any private revelation that is not an element of the deposit of faith in the Scripture and the Magisterium? Our Blessed Mother says to us, "Do whatever he tells you" (Jn 2:5) in all the apparitions, that is what we hear, but some go beyond that to insulting and ridiculing the Church, calling the Pontiffs (even before Pope Francis) names!
Many of the visionaries have hiding tendencies of cutting off from the Church, causing disbelief and disloyalty to the Church, or wanting the Church to be subjected to their utterances and visions. They are the ones to abide in Christ and his Church, not the other way round (Jn 15:4). There will be not an end to the harm and calamity that will befall us all, if we follow every wind that blow in the name of private revelations, or the way individuals feel or see or judge things.
Now to what our Lord said, (our Blessed Mother asked us to do whatever her Son says), for the Apostle, it was the element 'water' in the marriage feast of Cana to be poured into the wine jars. For us today she asks that we build bridges, bring people hope relying on her Son, 'pour the water' - bring your human effort, fidelity and obedience and let it meet with the Diivine and there will be changes in the world, beginning from our families to the larger human societies.
The Church, not the Cause of the World's Problem
of Evil, and sin and wickedness.
These days when you listen to a large number of people criticizing the Church, you simply get a sense that they are blaming the Church for the woes of this broken world. Why is the Church there, and we are having bad people? Why is the Church there, we are having bad government? Why is the Church there we are having wars? Why is the Church there where we are having global economic melt down? Why is the Church there.....just name it.
Now to what our Lord said, (our Blessed Mother asked us to do whatever her Son says), for the Apostle, it was the element 'water' in the marriage feast of Cana to be poured into the wine jars. For us today she asks that we build bridges, bring people hope relying on her Son, 'pour the water' - bring your human effort, fidelity and obedience and let it meet with the Diivine and there will be changes in the world, beginning from our families to the larger human societies.
The Church, not the Cause of the World's Problem
of Evil, and sin and wickedness.
These days when you listen to a large number of people criticizing the Church, you simply get a sense that they are blaming the Church for the woes of this broken world. Why is the Church there, and we are having bad people? Why is the Church there, we are having bad government? Why is the Church there we are having wars? Why is the Church there where we are having global economic melt down? Why is the Church there.....just name it.
It is not the Church that produces atomic bond and nuclear warheads, and the Church is not responsible for abortions and genocide. The Church is not responsible for gay marriages and poverty all over the world, and she has taken her stands on all these. The Church is not responsible for kidnapping, wars and divisions, global economic meltdown, child/women abuse, corruption and destruction of human life and properties all over the world. The Church is not the cause of the human moral decadence within and outside the Church, she speaks against these, in obedient to God and fidelity to her universal call and mission, and she has not done so privately.
I challenge us today, to study the Sacred Scripture, to read the Documents of the Church, the Catholic simple Catechism, the encyclical letters, the episcopal letters of Bishops to the government of their various regions etc. In these and many more instances Holy Mother Church speaks insistently and cries out aloud with pains and tears calling on all to return to God with a changed attitude. These documents are not far-fetched and like I said in my post a few days ago, 'there are two things that will save the present world problem: humble prayers to God and the right action'.

There are those who have left the Church for reasons best known to them. Some think that we, as the Church, are not doing it the proper way, and have failed to set the example and that is why they have left. Since you left what have you done? The world is still vast in sins and wickedness.
Hear me if you are in this category. You have a family? You have a nation or country? You have parents? How many of these have you changed or ran away from because your country of origin or your parents have one problem or the other? Supposedly, your parents are not the best in the world, but you are still there. You country is not the best, surely not filled with saints. There are a lot of evil things going on there, why have you not run away because they are bad.
The world has problems, has anyone run away from it? Even when death is eminent we want to stay. I believe that those who run away from the Church do not know what they are looking for, they do not know what they want. Indeed, when the going gets tough, we have the revelation of those who have faith in God, and who is it inspires the move.

Martin Luther ran away from the Church, but even at that point, Martin remained a German, although Germany had her troubles and was not the heaven of Saints, and people thought 'that was great', but in-turn from him, as well as from the Church, people are still running away. The running continues today, and all those running and seeing visions as well, are claiming inspired by God, calling for change that is only reference to a subject outside them.
Look, inside you today, you will see that you and I are part, and an integral part of the world's and the Church greatest problem. Each of us must humble ourselves, pray to God, re-direct our actions and God giving energy, and harness our giftedness towards the common good in obedience to God and in collaboration with the Church. Take up your Bible, embrace your faith deeply and more sincerely and you will be happy.
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