Have you read the latest Maria Divine Mercy's message? Any comments?
Blog warning against a false 'visionary' Maria Divine Mercy and her cult
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Mark Saseen, Author of 'The Outing of Mary Carberry' Discusses Maria Divine Mercy's Collapsing Enterprise
Maria Divine Mercy's Message with Commentary. How Silly Can it Get?
By David Moorcroft
Message titled: Those who exalt themselves before Me but speak evil of others will be cut off from Me.Sunday, January 4th, 2015 @ 16:00
My dearly beloved daughter, if a man who does not believe in Me or My Word, and who is given the gift of discernment [which is not needed for faith or salvation], comes to Me and asks Me for My Help and My Mercy, I will redeem him and give him salvation [you must have missed this before, Mrs Divine Mercy, but we are redeemed already]. If a man who knows Me but betrays Me, then comes to Me and tries to defend his actions, I will cast him away for he has committed the worst sin [not necessarily].
My greatest enemies are those who were blessed with the Truth but whose pride makes them believe that they are privileged to act in My Name [Those who are blessed with the truth KNOW that it is a privilege, not a right, to do anything in God's name. Acknowledging a privilege is no part of the definition of pride.]. I was betrayed by one of My Own when I walked the earth not by those who did not know Me [A truism, therefore an unnecessary saying.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Cult Leader Little Pebble Admits in Letter: 'I have known about Maria Divine Mercy since 2011'
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William Kamm - The Little Pebble |
We have already written about possible ties between Maria Divine Mercy and the Little Pebble, a cult leader and convicted sex offender before. But as a further confirmation, Mark Saseen, the author of 'The Outing of Mary Carberry', managed to contact William Kamm and recieve a response (full letter below) in which Kamm admits he has known about Maria Divine Mercy from the start.
Saseen writes:
"In 2014 Kamm, assigned to kitchen duty during his 10-year prison conviction, posted an online profile at Justice Action, an Australian organization that assists contact with prisoners through email.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Maria Divine Mercy: Holy Mary's PR Problem

A DUBLIN-BASED PR specialist named Mary Carberry was the centre of a colourful story in the Irish Mail On Sunday last month, which alleged that the businesswoman was involved in a bizarre religious outfit called Maria Divine Mercy (MDM).
She claims to receive prophecies from God and flogs various religious paraphernalia online, such as books and medals. But the real story about Carberry – who also goes by her maiden name, Mary McGovern – relates to her business history.
She has been involved in all sorts of companies in recent years, a number of which have been hauled up before the courts over bad debts.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
The Wanderer: Maria Divine Mercy - New Ebook, Newspaper Coverage Focus Fresh Attention On Internet Seer
Author: Dexter Duggan
Although “Maria Divine Mercy” (MDM) claims a direct line to God warning of the “end times,” she hadn’t revealed her own identity since she began presenting her apparently widely followed apocalyptic messages online in 2010.
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
RTÉ Talk Show Host Joe Duffy Discusses Maria Divine Mercy
By Mark Saseen
For three days, Monday - Wednesday, 2-4 February, Dublin, Ireland, afternoon talk show
host Joe Duffy asked the same question to callers addressing the 'secret' Irish 'visionary' Maria Divine Mercy -- "Do you know who she is?" [http://www.rte.ie/radio1/liveline/]
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Joe Duffy |
And for three days no one told him. Does Duffy know? Of course! The identity of the Internet-only 'seer' with millions of followers worldwide was scientifically identified as Malahide resident Mary McGovern Carberry in the Irish Mail on Sunday published the day before Duffy first asked his question.
The "science" in the identification was a comparison of "Maria Divine Mercy's" voice from her only interview in October 2011 on a US Catholic radio program.
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Mary Carberry Buys Up Papers Exposing her as ‘Maria Divine Mercy’
One week after exposing Ireland resident Mary McGovern-Carberry as the ‘secret’ Catholic visionary “Maria Divine Mercy,” the Irish Mail on Sunday featured her again… gathering up all available copies of the 1 February 2015 publication near her Malahide home. The former owner of McGovern PR should have known better.
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Mary Carberry caught on video while purchasing all available copies of the Irish Mail on Sunday. Full story here |
Monday, February 2, 2015
Voice analysis confirms: Mary Carberry is Maria Divine Mercy

You can listen to the voice samples here.
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