By David Moorcroft
Mr. Arthur Policarpio graduated from Catholic University
De La Salle, and holds a degree of Bachelor of Science in
Business Management. He heads the local Mobext mobile
marketing company. He promotes Maria Divine Mercy
on his website Totus Tuus, Maria
Mr Policarpio claims to be a ‘Catholic writer’. There are many like him, taking up space on the Internet and representing every strain of ‘Catholic’ thought abroad in the world. If we were Anglicans, we could call ‘Catholic writers’ a Broad Church. So where in this Latitudinarian profession do we place Mr Policarpio?
At the beginning of his ‘Response’, he accepts without question ‘the prophecies and messages given by Our Lord to the Irish seer “Maria Divine Mercy”.’ It is as well to get this clear: no time-wasting chit-chat about being objective. He says: